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Five Websites to End the Boredom

If you’re looking to kill some time or you’re bored out of your mind, check out these sites. They’re guaranteed to keep you entertained and informed about the latest and greatest things going on across the web.

The Awesomer – There’s no need to worry about a truth-in-advertising lawsuit here, this site is awesome. Updated several times throughout the day, The Awesomer publishes cool finds from a variety of topics. This is an excellent catalog of awesome things ranging from videos and trailers to gadgets and gear; video games, websites, news articles, clothing, and more, just about everything awesome will get its 15 minutes of fame through The Awesomer. That means you can be kept up to date on all things awesome by checking it out daily.


Boing Boing – Boing Boing provides links to interesting news articles published throughout the day. Along with those links, they give a little blurb and a quote from the article. It covers a wide variety of topics, so you’re very likely to find something you’re interested in and have the opportunity to discuss the articles in the comments section of each article.

Part of the Boing Boing network, there is also Boing Boing Gadgets, Boing Boing Video, and Boing Boing Offworld. Gadgets, as expected, covers all sorts of gadgets, computer-related and not. Video provides embedded YouTube videos for topics ranging from sci-tech, animation, music, gadgets, games and more. Offworld covers all things video game related.


AddictingGames – I’ve wasted away countless hours at AddictingGames whether it be flying penguins, shooting doodles, or trying to escape a phonebooth. There are tons of free Flash games in almost every category: Action, Sports, Puzzle, Shooting, Arcade, Strategy, Adventure, Flying, and tons more. The games load quickly and only have the slight annoyance of sometimes displaying an ad before they load.


Awkward Family Photos – Awkward Family Photos is exactly as the name implies, a collection of awkward family photos with new photos posted daily. Showing user submitted awkward family pictures or family stories, this site can have you shuddering and laughing at the same time. Some of these photos are just plain weird and start your mind racing trying to figure out who thought this pose, that outfit, or those hair-do’s were good ideas. Check out the site for laughs and scares or even submit your own photos if you’re brave enough.

Item Not As Described – Item Not As Described is a direct result from Craigslist and all the crazy things people try to sell or give away for free on there. So many of these fall in the WTF range, but there are tons of observations that could be made from this list. With links to the original postings, they’re not making this stuff up. Why would someone give away their dreadlocks?!?! Why would somebody try to sell something that they clearly describe as broken, dirty, or worse?! Never mind the fact that If they didn’t want it, why would anybody else? Even if the items don’t cost anything, there are some laughs to be had at the poster’s expense.