I’ve previously covered the Popuri.us site along with a handful of other webmaster tools which performs a look up of a particular site across a wide variety of tools. While Popuri.us is nice, I found it to be a little inaccurate and slow. Since then, I’ve found a replacement for Popuri.us that seems to be quite a bit improved while still providing the same basic service with URLmetrix.
URLmetrix allows you to pull-up the title and a websnapr snapshot of a website with a simple query. You can also find out much more information and link to the respective sites for further analysis. This is great for a site visitor as well as a webmaster.
You can discover your rankings with Google PageRank, Alexa, Compete, Quantcast, and Technorati. You can also see how many pages are indexed or have backlinks from Google and Yahoo!. If your URL is in any Delicious bookmarks, tweets, Reddit submissions, StumbleUpon reviews, wikipedia external links, DMOZ links, Google Blog Search Links, and Technorati Blog Reactions. All of the numbers are links to the full reports from each of those metric-producing sites.
You can also create a permalink to the URLmetrix report in case you want to send it to anybody else for a particular site. Another feature unique to URLmetrix is the ability to compare two sites. URLmetrix simply runs two reports and has the results side by side in a table for display. This way you can monitor your progress on becoming the next LifeHacker.
Check out URLmetrix to find out more about a site or your site.